Yes, I Can!

Come and explore the topic of Dominant Little’s from a Sadistic Little herself. We will tackle preconceived notions regarding this topic. I discovered true Littles headspace one night in the dungeon. Yes I was safe, Yes I was in control.  We will discuss the how and why I able to… Read more“Yes, I Can!”

A Little You!

Have you found yourself enjoying the things you did as a child, or still viewing the world with childlike wonder? Does your “D” type fulfill a more caretaker or disciplinarian role? I will explore the world of Little’s. What to do when you think you are one? WE will explore… Read more“A Little You!”

Bio – About Midnight Angel

“Midnight Angel (she/her) possesses a rich experience spanning over 27 years in the BDSM Poly lifestyle, with a specialization in bi-poly dynamics. Her passion for education in this field is evident through her numerous engagements on various topics related to the lifestyle.  In addition to her extensive community involvement, Midnight… Read more“Bio – About Midnight Angel”